Top 10 Reasons To Use Clipboard History and Clipdiary
- You copied some data to the clipboard and then accidentally overwrote it there? No problem, Clipdiary lets you get it back easily!
- A couple of minutes ago you copy/pasted some text, and now you need it again? Well, most likely it is stored somewhere, so you can get it back by opening the appropriate document, finding the necessary place, selecting the text fragment, and copying it again. However, it's so much faster and easier to paste the text from the clipboard history.
- You know that yesterday (or last week, or even a couple of months ago) you copy/pasted some information from one place (an e-mail, a quick note, a webpage, a chat, etc.) to another? Well, now you can find that piece of data easily by searching the clipboard history.
- A couple of days ago you read some great article online and sent the link (say, by copy/pasting it to an email) to your buddy, and now you need that link again? No problem, just check out the clipboard history.
- You need to copy a few pieces of data from one place to another? Now you don't have to jump all over the text and switch windows like mad: First copy all those pieces one by one, then quick-paste each of them to its destination.
- You want to paste two pieces of data to several places? With Clipdiary you needn't copy them repeatedly, just use Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Down and Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Up.
- You habitually copy every online comment of yours before clicking on the Send button? Great, now everything is automatically stored in a safe place!
- You copied a formatted text but need to paste it as plain text? No big deal - press Ctrl + Shift + V in any application, and Clipdiary will strip the formatting for you.
- You are editing an important document and suddenly it occurs to you that this paragraph is awful and must be totally redone? Just cut out (instead of deleting) that text fragment, and Clipdiary will dutifully save a copy for you - who knows, you might change your mind afterwards.
- You stumbled upon some information that is unimportant for you now but might be useful in the future? No problem, just copy it to the clipboard - later on, you can always find it in the clipboard history.

See other articles about clipboard: