I'm working as webmaster and content manager for large e-shop. During my daily work i have to use copy-paste windows buttons for coping text site content, site addresses, e-mail addresses, aim contacts, pictures.

I find out that i can store only single item in clipboard buffer, so if another object is copied i lost previous and next ones. It was very great inconvenience for me until i started to use ClipDiary.

It was like a pill. My copy paste productivity increased twice and i feel myself better cause i have not to worry about my clipboard buffer storage - all my copy paste content was stored and i can use where ever i want in any time. No more wasting time switching between browser tabs, doing unnecessary extra clicks. The program is really great and valuable even essential.

Andrew Dandares
Webmaster, css coder, seo specialist

I LOVE this little program. It's probably the most used program on my computer. Thank you so very much for creating it and for the wonderful modifications that you have made. It's the first program that I suggest to EVERYONE as an invaluable tool.

Karen Stavert

Clipdiary does exactly what it's intended to: It saves everything that you copy to the Windows clipboard and makes it all available in one convenient interface, available across programs via a hotkey combo.


The additions/changes in this maint. release are VERY nice. Interaction between clipdiary and all the stuff I use it with is smoother than ever. Can't imagine life without it at this point. VERY fond of it's minimalist, fast and streamlined approach, now with even FEWER keystrokes. Just love it.

Guest at forum

For such a simple app, it's sure useful. Don't know how I got along without it for so many years. I mean, seriously. I would never have guessed how handy this would be. Not often I'm this happy with software. Clipdiary doesn't do much, but what it does, it does REALLY well.

Guest at forum

If your life isn't based around endlessly copying & pasting links, image file names and chunks of text emailed out by company press departments into web windows, you might not appreciate it so much. But for me, Clip Diary's something I fire up about 30 times a day - and each time I metaphorically wipe my brow in relief.


For such a simple application, it's astonishingly useful. VERY handy. It's on my permanent keep list.
Thank you! Much appreciated.


You won't use it really often, maybe, but it will save your bacon when you need it to.

Tom Dalton

Clipdiary is a great utility and makes my (programming) life much easier! At first I installed it because auf the unlimited persisting history of everything that goes into the clipboard, which is exactly what I was looking for. Until I found out that the hotkeys for changing between the clipboard entries are also inestimable useful. Now I use them frequently.

Michael Wogerbauer

Fantastic Utility, Great Time saver! Saves tons of time when entering data, or working with multiple programs. Helps prevent the loss of data by copying something before a previous copy/paste operation is complete.


Excellent tool, best in class The best clipboard monitor I've found, and I've tried quite a few of them! Doesn't have as many features as some other clipboard monitors, but for a tool to just monitor the clipboard then they don't come any better.


As an IT professional providing remote services to end users, I deal with tons of text and files every day - everything from license keys to utilities and other files. Without this program I would constantly be flipping between countless windows to recopy information I had previously grabbed. Clipdiary has saved me untold hours with it's quick view database and ability to hold such a large amount of data.

Anonymous user

Thanks for your Clipdiary, its very practical and its useful in daily work.


There is no need for any other clipboard application, this does it all!

Rodger Hyatt

Get Clipdiary
v. 5.7 December 10'21

Get Portable
v. 5.7 December 10'21

Clipdiary is free to use under the following conditions...

Happy People

I'm working as webmaster and content manager for large e-shop. During my daily work i have to use copy-paste windows buttons for coping text site content, site addresses, e-mail addresses, aim contacts, pictures. I find out that i can store only single item in clipboard buffer, so if another object is copied i lost previous and next ones. It was very great inconvenience for me until i started to use ClipDiary. It was like a pill. My copy paste productivity increased twice and i feel myself better cause i have not to worry about my clipboard buffer storage - all my copy paste content was stored and i can use where ever i want in any time. No more wasting time switching between browser tabs, doing unnecessary extra clicks. The program is really great and valuable even essential.

Andrew Dandares Webmaster, css coder, seo specialist
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