1. Is it possible to use the clipboard manager from a flash drive without installation?

Yes, Clipdiary can work without installation. You can download the portable clipboard manager from our site.

2. Is there a Mac or Linux\Unix version?

No, probably we will try to port it to other OS's. But now it is Windows clipboard tool.

3. I use a password manager and I do not want Clipdiary to save passwords I copy from there.

Clipdiary supports the "Clipboard Viewer Ignore" format. Most of modern password managers use this format to copy passwords in order to notify that this data should not be saved.

4. Does this clipboard tool support Unicode?

Yes, Clipdiary is fully Unicode tool.

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v. 5.7 December 10'21

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v. 5.7 December 10'21

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Happy People

Clipdiary is a great utility and makes my (programming) life much easier! At first I installed it because auf the unlimited persisting history of everything that goes into the clipboard, which is exactly what I was looking for. Until I found out that the hotkeys for changing between the clipboard entries are also inestimable useful. Now I use them frequently.

Michael Wogerbauer
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