How to use clipboard history manager

Clipboard history tab

In the clipboard history viewer window you can see the saved clipboard history. When you copy new data to the Windows clipboard, Clipdiary adds a new record to the bottom of the list. You can select any clip from the list and copy it to the clipboard or paste it to a target window.

Clipdiary clipboard history viewer window. You can use it to copy or paste any saved clipboard data

Snippets tab

Clipdiary Snippets makes managing text repository and pasting text templates a one click job.

Clipdiary Snippets makes managing text repository and pasting text templates a one click job

Program Options

Options Window of Clipdiary clipboard history viewer. Select Hot Keys for quick coping data to clipboard

Smart Capture

Mouse options

Interface options

Advanced options

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v. 5.7 December 10'21

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v. 5.7 December 10'21

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Happy People

Fantastic Utility, Great Time saver! Saves tons of time when entering data, or working with multiple programs. Helps prevent the loss of data by copying something before a previous copy/paste operation is complete.

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