
What is clipboard history?

The clipboard is a "store" where the data you copy is placed before it is pasted into the target place. The windows clipboard can store only one element. So its contents is replaced every time you copy something, and you can not retrieve the data you've copied before. For example, if you copied some text and forgot to paste it, and then copied some other text, the previous one is lost forever. That is vastly inconvenient!

The clipboard history is a set of all data that you copied to the clipboard: texts in various formats (plain text, rtf, html), images, file lists.

To get access to the clipboard history you should use a special software - clipboard manager. We recommend Clipdiary. It remembers everything you copy: plain text and text with formatting (rtf), html, pictures and files.

What can you do with the clipboard history?

  • Quickly copy data back to the clipboard.
  • Paste any clip from the history directly to the selected application.
  • Search for the necessary clip by its contents.
  • Find out what program the data was copied from.
  • Delete clips.